Age of Steam Expansion: 2023 3-Map Set EN/DE
Neon Comet Games 2023 Age of Steam map set:
•Brooklyn: Fashion shows provide trendy players with special mid- and end-game bonuses – a novel set of special actions facilitates the introduction of set-collecting never-before seen in other expansions.
•Escape Room: Players work collectively to solve four unique puzzles as they race against the clock; there can only be one winner, but if they fail to solve the puzzles before time runs up, everybody loses. (Not a real-time game)
•Honeybee Hive Mind: Players represent bees working to pollinate their network of flower fields, but competition exists against ever-present rival bee populations, making deliveries painfully expensive.
The 3-map set consists of 2 double-sided 18×24″ full-color posters printed on 80# Silk cover stock, rules for the 3 maps, and additional components necessary to play Escape Room.
Brooklyn Game Entry on Board Game Geek
Escape Room Game Entry on Board Game Geek
Honeybee Hive Mind Entry on Board Game Geek
Combined Entry for 2023 3-Map Set on Board Game Geek
Neon Comet Games 2023 Age of Steam map set:
•Brooklyn: Fashion shows provide trendy players with special mid- and end-game bonuses – a novel set of special actions facilitates the introduction of set-collecting never-before seen in other expansions.
•Escape Room: Players work collectively to solve four unique puzzles as they race against the clock; there can only be one winner, but if they fail to solve the puzzles before time runs up, everybody loses. (Not a real-time game)
•Honeybee Hive Mind: Players represent bees working to pollinate their network of flower fields, but competition exists against ever-present rival bee populations, making deliveries painfully expensive.
The 3-map set consists of 2 double-sided 18×24″ full-color posters printed on 80# Silk cover stock, rules for the 3 maps, and additional components necessary to play Escape Room.
Brooklyn Game Entry on Board Game Geek
Escape Room Game Entry on Board Game Geek
Honeybee Hive Mind Entry on Board Game Geek
Combined Entry for 2023 3-Map Set on Board Game Geek
Neon Comet Games 2023 Age of Steam map set:
•Brooklyn: Fashion shows provide trendy players with special mid- and end-game bonuses – a novel set of special actions facilitates the introduction of set-collecting never-before seen in other expansions.
•Escape Room: Players work collectively to solve four unique puzzles as they race against the clock; there can only be one winner, but if they fail to solve the puzzles before time runs up, everybody loses. (Not a real-time game)
•Honeybee Hive Mind: Players represent bees working to pollinate their network of flower fields, but competition exists against ever-present rival bee populations, making deliveries painfully expensive.
The 3-map set consists of 2 double-sided 18×24″ full-color posters printed on 80# Silk cover stock, rules for the 3 maps, and additional components necessary to play Escape Room.
Brooklyn Game Entry on Board Game Geek
Escape Room Game Entry on Board Game Geek
Honeybee Hive Mind Entry on Board Game Geek
Combined Entry for 2023 3-Map Set on Board Game Geek