Bear Jelly Poker (IMPORT)


This game is in Japanese but is language-independent (no Japanese text on cards), a pdf copy of the English rules will be provided with the game if they are not included within the box.

Bear Jelly Poker is a set collector with the goal of making the strongest 6-card Poker Hands from exchanging and acquiring cards from a tableau.

This is a TGM 2022 Fall Entry and so only contains 32 cards, 1-9 in 4 colors (4-6 have reduced copies and include bicolored cards). Starting with a 3-5 card hand, exchange any cards with a row/diagonal/column in the tableau. Then acquire a row/diagonal/column in the tableau to get to an 8 card hand (rules are slightly different for a 4-player game). Players are rewarded based on how many melds are weaker than theirs. After a certain number of rounds, the winner is the player with the most points.

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