Pan tu nie stal! / great wall of china (import)
This game is in Polish but comes with PDF rules in english. There is no necessary text on the components.
The queue game!
The goal is to get the last remaining items left in the store. As this is a polish game trying to give an impression of the living standards during the Cold War, there is not a lot of items available and as such the few ones that are is highly contested.
The focus should obviously be on getting as many items as possible, and the winner will be one who can keep focus on as many queues as possibly. Unfortunately us humans have fickle minds, and the temptation to start a personal battle with one opponent in one queues is often to tempting.
The fun lies in the interaction coming from the different characters and their characteristics, and how one tries to implement a strategy and how vulnerable one is for the other players decisions and the urge to get an item even though it might not win you the game. The winner and the looser often has had equal parts of fun.
Note: this edition has 100 player cards (20 per player). Distribution of cards, tokens and rules are exactly the same as in "Great Wall of China".
This game is in Polish but comes with PDF rules in english. There is no necessary text on the components.
The queue game!
The goal is to get the last remaining items left in the store. As this is a polish game trying to give an impression of the living standards during the Cold War, there is not a lot of items available and as such the few ones that are is highly contested.
The focus should obviously be on getting as many items as possible, and the winner will be one who can keep focus on as many queues as possibly. Unfortunately us humans have fickle minds, and the temptation to start a personal battle with one opponent in one queues is often to tempting.
The fun lies in the interaction coming from the different characters and their characteristics, and how one tries to implement a strategy and how vulnerable one is for the other players decisions and the urge to get an item even though it might not win you the game. The winner and the looser often has had equal parts of fun.
Note: this edition has 100 player cards (20 per player). Distribution of cards, tokens and rules are exactly the same as in "Great Wall of China".
This game is in Polish but comes with PDF rules in english. There is no necessary text on the components.
The queue game!
The goal is to get the last remaining items left in the store. As this is a polish game trying to give an impression of the living standards during the Cold War, there is not a lot of items available and as such the few ones that are is highly contested.
The focus should obviously be on getting as many items as possible, and the winner will be one who can keep focus on as many queues as possibly. Unfortunately us humans have fickle minds, and the temptation to start a personal battle with one opponent in one queues is often to tempting.
The fun lies in the interaction coming from the different characters and their characteristics, and how one tries to implement a strategy and how vulnerable one is for the other players decisions and the urge to get an item even though it might not win you the game. The winner and the looser often has had equal parts of fun.
Note: this edition has 100 player cards (20 per player). Distribution of cards, tokens and rules are exactly the same as in "Great Wall of China".